Code of Ethics
SearchLogic Recruiting is appreciative of your trust and confidence in the employment search process. We are firmly committed to the Code of Ethics as developed by the National Association of Personnel Consultants. The following Standards of Ethical Practices covers both applicants and temporary employees.
Relations With Applicants
Applicants shall be referred to employers for interviews only on job openings for which at least verbal authority has been given by the employer.
Representations made to applicants about the duties, probable length of the employment, hours and salary of prospective positions shall be in conformance with the best knowledge of the personnel consultant.
Precaution shall be taken against referring any applicant to employers who are known to engage in illegal, immoral, or any questionable business practices.
Information about an applicant will be used only for the purpose of finding employment for that applicant.
Confidential information shall be treated accordingly.
An applicant shall be aware of charges, if any, before being permitted to incur any obligation for services rendered. Any fee obligations shall be fully disclosed in a written agreement, a copy of which shall be provided to the applicant, and it shall set forth any circumstances meriting adjustment.
No applicant shall be referred to any employer where a strike or lockout exists or is impending (according to the best knowledge of the personnel consultant) without being notified of such condition.
Relations With Temporary Employees
Employees shall be referred to client companies for work only on assignments for which at least verbal authority has been given by the client.
Representations to employees about the duties, probable length, hours and salary of temporary assignments shall be in conformance with the best knowledge of the temporary service.
Precautions shall be taken against referring temporary employees to any client who is known to engage in illegal, immoral or any questionable business practices.
Information about temporary employees shall be used only for the purpose of assigning the employee for temporary work. Confidential information shall be treated accordingly.
A temporary employee shall be aware of charges, if any, before being permitted to incur any obligation for services rendered.
No temporary employee shall be referred to any client where a strike or lockout exists (according to the best knowledge of the temporary help service) without being notified of such condition.
Financial and legal responsibilities as an employer to temporary help employees shall be met in a timely manner.
Positions listed in newspapers or other media shall be factual and refer to bonafide openings available at the time that copy is given to these publications.
All advertising promotion or announcements regarding certification must conform to the standards and format of the NAPC Certification Program.
Positions listed in newspapers or other media shall be representative of the types of opening generally available through the temporary services.